Monday, December 9, 2019

Had fun doing the CIM Relay this year!

This year my husband and I changed things up a bit and did the California International Marathon 2-person relay as team "Mr & Mrs Wilson". Greg ran the first half and I did the second half.

He and I have both finished the full CIM several times in the past, though this year we missed the registration cut-off for 26.2 miles but were still in time to register for the relay.

I have to say -- while I have run NUMEROUS half marathons (way too many to count at this point) -- doing the just the 2nd half of the CIM race course was really nice. Typically once I get to the half-way point of a full marathon, I start hitting the wall and am really fatigued. It was so nice not to be completely tired running the second half of the course! And beer and my smiling hubby at the end? What could be better?

And best of all? Aside from a munched toe, I don't hurt today and had no problem showing property earlier. LOL

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