Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sacramento Open House Guide - searchable open homes...

My clients frequently ask me how they can search for open houses in Sacramento. Well, I have created a open house search tool on my website! This feature pulls data directly out of MLS and allows you to search for Sacramento-area (and surrounding counties as well) agent open homes by area, price range, etc. Of course the agent holding the house open has to register the open house in MLS, so this will not catch every single open house, but the majority of them will be listed there. In addition to being able to search for open homes by whatever criteria you like, from there you can also print maps with turn-by-turn driving directions. It is really handy!


Anonymous said...


I really appreciate this tool. Could you place a tag or link to it on the side of your main page so I can find it. Right now I have to scroll through your postings to locate it.

Thanks said...

Great suggestion - thanks! I added it to the right side navigation under my bio.