Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sacramento Surface Street Changes

There are some lane and street changes coming soon to a downtown area near you! Here are some upcoming changes:

From 3 lanes to 2 lanes:
-19th, H Street to Broadway
-21st Street, I to W Streets

From 1-way to 2-way:
-Freeport Blvd from Broadway to Vallejo Way
-21st, W Street to 4th Avenue (with bike lanes added)
-J, 30th Street to Alhambra
-N, 21st to 28th Streets
-3rd, I to J Streets
-9th and 10th, E to I Streets

Second Phase, from 1-way to 2-way:
-L Street, 16th to 29th Streets
-P Street, 21st Street to Alhambra
-Q Street, 21st to 29th Streets

Third Phase, from 1-way to 2-way:
-L, N, P, Q, 16th to 21st Streets

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